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Infected Sounds Fearx v1.0.0 Regged

Team RET | 7.9 MB

Vst Synthesizer Instrument.

- One Preset bank with save, load, & 99 presets.
- One Master Volume.
- Two Morphing Oscillators with octave, semitone, detune, pitch, phase, p lfo1, 1 flt 2, lfo1 pitch, & 32 waveforms, (With wavetable modulation).
- Two Oscillators with wavedraw with save & load, with octave, semitone, detune, pitch, phase, p lfo1, 1 flt 2, lfo1 pitch.
- Out flt 1 & 2 for each oscillator.
- Ctrl a and Ctrl b mode with 4 modes, for first two oscillators to modulate the waves (Incl Retrig).
- One Noise Oscillator with white & pink noise.
- Two Morphing Lfos with speed, depth, phase, fm1*2, fm3*4, & sync, 16 waves, (With wavetable modulation).
- One Morphing Pan Lfo with speed, depth, phase & sync 16 waves.
- One Filter Evnelope with attack, hold, decay, sustain, release & amount.
- One Pitch Evnelope with attack, hold, decay, sustain, release & amount.
- Lfo1 & Lfo 2, amount filter 1 & 2.
- Lfo1 & Lfo 2, amount vowel filter.
- w1 & w2 for both lfos controls the oscillators 1 & 2 wavetbale modulation.
- lfo w controls the wavetable modulation for lfo to lfo.
- One Master pan.
- FM Modulation Osc 1*2 & Osc 3*4.
- Ring Modulation Osc 1*2.
- Hard sync 1*2 & 3*4.
- Pitch env1 > fm1*2 & fm3*4.
- Four Mixer Volumes 1 & 2.
- Two Filters with cutoff, reso, key, LP Fast 12 dB, LP Fast 24 dB, LP SVF 12 dB, HP SVF 12 dB, BP SVF 12 dB, LP SVF 24 dB, HP SVF 24 dB, BP SVF 24 dB, LP 303 12 dB, HP 303 12 dB, FMT Vowel 12 dB, FMT Vowel 24 dB.
- One Formant vowel filter with cutoff, reso, level, that filter 1 & 2 are passing true.
- Porta with legato & slide mode.
- One Amp Envelope with attack, hold, decay, sustain, release & amount.
- Velocity on & off.
- Velocity Filter 1 & 2, Filter Envelope, Pitch Envelope.
- Polyphony up to 32 voices.
- One Main Octave.
- One Sequencer.
- One Trancegate.
- Pitch Bend with range amount.
- One Mod Wheel (Routable).
- Aftertouch (Routable).
- Keyboard.
- VU Meters.

- Effects:

- Fatner.
- Multi Mode
- Ensemble.
- Equalizer.
- Overdrive.
- Distortion.
- Decimator.
- Phaser.
- Chorus.
- Reverb.

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Category: WiN | Views: 591 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: INFECTED, sounds, Fearx, Regged, v1.0.0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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