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Industrial Strength Jazz Chord Progressions WAV MiDi REX

WAV MiDi REX | 553.22 MB

We have a very interesting new collection for lounge music and jazz. This cool pack features 50 top-quality jazz harmony chord progressions.

Jazz Chord Progressions offers up some 24 Bit Production Kits and audio to get you started up fast. This new collection also includes Rex and Midi files, giving producers the chance to manipulate and change these colorful original compositions in various ways.

The power of the midi gives you total control of each chord. Express the midi notes using your daw to create even more feeling and vibe. Change sounds and soft synths on the fly and let these expressive jazz midi notes come alive.

This pack can be used in the different genres of Jazz, Chill-out, Smooth Jazz, Chill-hop, Lo-Fi, Hip Hop, and Synth-wave. Jazz Chord Progressions is a cave full of deep harmonically sophisticated progressions, but within these progressions is the ability to create even more original ideas.

Jazz Chord Progressions is 100% License Free to use any way you like. Head to our home page and check out the demo track.

Midi Chords Included.

Total: 237 Files

Guide Tracks - 7
Drum Samples - 29
Synth Pads - 12
Synth Bass - 11
Gtr - 2
Leads - 11
Other Synths - 14
Midi Files - 50
Rex Files - 50
Wav Files - 136

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 197 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, Strength, Jazz, Industrial, Progressions, midi, Chord, Rex | Rating: 0.0/0
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