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Home » Mac OSX » Imaginando K7D v1.3.0 Mac
Imaginando K7D v1.3.0 Mac

AU | VST | VST3 | 134.9 MB

K7D A vintage soul with a futuristic mind. K7D is a powerful and affordable, vintage tape delay plugin for both desktop and iOS. K7D recreates the vintage tape delay machines using Imaginando’s signature style of obsessive analog emulation, but with an enhanced level of control from a sleek, modern interface. Using this approach allows a whole new world of creative possibilities, while still retaining a warm, full-bodied analog sound, bursting with character and personality.

- 1ms to 1 sec. dual playhead analog modeled delay with noise, tape distortion and mechanical vibration models
- Input with pre-amp saturation and optimized gain staging and saturation algorithms for very musical results
- Normal and Ping Pong modes
- Delay time spread between heads and stereo width control
- High pass and Low pass filter on feedback path
- Powerful LFO bipolar time modulation with multiple waveforms (sine, triangular, saw, square, sample and hold and filtered sample and hold) and possibility of inverted LFO phase on second play head (for added stereo imaging)
- Delay time syncable with BPM and possibility of delay time modulation via incoming midi notes
- Oscilloscope visualisation of audio and LFO waveforms

Mac OS High Sierra or Higher

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 214 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Mac, K7D, Imaginando, v1.3.0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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