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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » ImagikSound Soave Sordino Strings For NATiVE iNSTRUMENTS KONTAKT
ImagikSound Soave Sordino Strings For NATiVE iNSTRUMENTS KONTAKT

DISCOVER | December/01Th/2018 | 195MB

Soave Sordino Strings is the result of mixed sampling from sample based digital strings machines treated with equalizers, image expanders and various effect. The strings sections is the typical orchestral configuration.

The first violins on the left and so the sound of them is on the left in the stereo image and so on, with the double basses on the extreme right. There are five sections (1st Violins, 2nd Violins, Violas, Cellos, Double Basses) and each have their own volume knobs.

As you can see the Soave’s GUI is really simple, just a Main Volume (Gain) on the left, an Attack knob on the right and a Transient button below the Violas section to bypass the slow attack and gives a fake legato when play a melody.

Obviously, Soave comes with only one articulation known as “Con Sordino”, so it’s useful for very slow tempo beats, from Largo to Adagio. The other control named “Altered” implements a randomized pitch to the notes played in a kind of slow “chaotic” way. That’s quite useful for stochastic composition styles.

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 744 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Sordino, Instruments, for, Kontakt, ImagikSound, Soave, Native, strings | Rating: 0.0/0
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