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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » IK Multimedia MODO BASS v1.5.2 Incl Keygen (WIN OSX)
IK Multimedia MODO BASS v1.5.2 Incl Keygen (WIN OSX)

WiN: 190.84 MB | OSX: 184.54 MB
Links update: 03/08/2023

The first physically modeled electric bass
The Producer’s dream bass

MODO BASS® is the first physically modeled bass virtual instrument that gives you an unprecedented realistic performance for your bass tracks.

As a producer, you want the best possible bass sound you can get… you want realism, credibility and authenticity that delivers the most accurate and inspiring performance. Sometimes you just can’t hire the right bass player, and some virtual instruments out there can leave you flat and uninspired.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 658 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Multimedia, Bass, IK, (Win, Incl, v1.5.2, Keygen, Modo, OSX) | Rating: 0.0/0
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