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Home » Sound Libraries » Iam Lamprey - Aetheric for Kontakt and NEAT Player
Iam Lamprey - Aetheric for Kontakt and NEAT Player

Kontakt / MEAT Player | 3.88 GB

Aetheric is a powerful ambient pad library full of gorgeous pads and natural recorded ambiances designed to spark creativity and set a mood within seconds. It contains 10 generators, each split into 3 oscillators with individual volume controls to sculpt the sound as you see fit. Attack and Release controls allow you transition from a standard polyphonic synth lead into a long, swelling pad - whatever the mood or setting, Aetheric can provide.

Available as a standalone library for the NEAT Player, or as a Kontakt Library.

PLEASE NOTE - If you intend on using the Kontakt instrument, please ensure you have the FULL version of Kontakt - it will not work in the free Kontakt player.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 418 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Aetheric, and, Lamprey, NEAT, Kontakt, player, for, Iam | Rating: 0.0/0
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