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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » HY-Plugins HY-SeqCollection2 v1.2.5 Incl Keygen (WIN OSX)
HY-Plugins HY-SeqCollection2 v1.2.5 Incl Keygen (WIN OSX)

WiN: 14.8MB | OSX: 17.7MB

This is a multi-mode sequencer plugin.

There are 6 sequencer modes available. (Acid, Dark, M5816, Step16, Hexa, Euclid)

There are 4 modulation signal generators and 8 macro controls available for parameter modulation.

You can also insert midi effects after the sequencer engine output.

There are 9 midi effects available. (Octave, Transpose, Scale, Harmonizer, Velocity, Note Chance, Note Echo, Midi Ctrl, Midi CC)

Finally you export the results as a midi file using the midi recorder.

Main Features:

6 sequencer engines(Acid, Dark, M5816, Step16, Hexa, Euclid)
4 modulation signal generators and 8 macro controls
Drag and drop modulation assignment
Midi FX (9 effect type)
Midi Recorder
Sequencer pattern snapshot
Re-scaleble interface

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 336 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: OSX), Keygen, Incl, (Win, v1.2.5, HY-SeqCollection2, HY-Plugins | Rating: 0.0/0
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