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Home » Sound Libraries » Hy2rogen Tech House Plague Fx Wav
Hy2rogen Tech House Plague Fx Wav

Fx Wav | 190 MB

HY2ROGEN returns with an exquisite collection of sounds that will infect your existence while being carried through a savoury ride across multiple flavours of house in order to bring you closer to the sonic world of electronic dance music.

Titled as Tech House Plague for a good reason, this brilliant fusion between house, tech-house, deep tech, and progressive is served as a hefty 1.24 GB sample pack that brings to the table 30 fully disclosed track starters which have been displayed as multi-content loops, one-shots, MIDI, and synth presets. This way we can deliver the best of both worlds - multiple loops and samples that truly fit with each other and construction kits with endless customisation possibilities.

Inside the belly of this beast, you will come across 16 main content folders filled with saturation-infused drum hits, a brilliant palette of sound effects, low-end groove-making basslines, funky guitar sounds and various instruments, ear-candy percussive elements, tension-creating mid-bass Reese pads, rich synth stabs, complementing top loops, and cherry-on-top vocal loops, plus many other goodies you will have to find for yourself...

In detail, you will find 1.24 GB of content, broken down into 16 main folders that hold a whopping 1,057 WAV files! Furthermore, you'll discover MIDI files, sampler patches, synth presets, and of course, many creative possibilities! Everything is key and tempo-labelled where applicable and the audio files are delivered at 24-bit 44.1kHz quality. The content has been exported as 4-8 bars in length with dry and wet versions available where applicable.

113 Fx Wav Files

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 224 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Plague, Tech, FX, Hy2rogen, House, wav | Rating: 0.0/0
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