HOFA-Plugins DDP Player Maker v1.0.2-R2R
TEAM R2R | 2014.02.18 | 27.95 MB
Links update: 05/02/2017
If you want to deliver DDP images to your clients that include a matching player software, DDP Player Maker is the perfect solution for you.
It just does not matter if your customer is using a Windows PC or a Mac, as the player will be included for both platforms. The created player can be set up with your own logo that will be shown as a splash screen. You can also add your custom info text and a link to your website. Furthermore you can decide, if the created player should be able to burn CDs or not.
Creation of players for Windows and Mac OS-X inside a DDP-Image
Player will only work with the DDP image it was created for
custom splash screen logo can be added to player
custom info text and link can be added to player
CD burning function can be enabled or disabled for each player
Playback of any DDP-Images (DDP 2.00) for CD-A
Burn DDP Images to CD
Export tracks as .wav audio files
Display of CD-Text, UPC/EAN and ISRC
Peak & EBU Loudness Meter
Validation of MD5 Checksums
simple handling, clear representation
support for PC and Mac, 32 and 64 Bit
English & German version available
1.0.2: (2014-02-17)
- New Feature: Export tracks as .wav audio files
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