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Home » WiN » Heckmann Audio - u-he The Dark Zebra v2.9.3 CE
Heckmann Audio - u-he The Dark Zebra v2.9.3 CE

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The Dark Zebra arose from a collaboration between Hans Zimmer and Howard Scarr. The soundset contains 400 presets—nearly all the Zebra sounds found in the The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises soundtracks, and some that did not make it into those films. Also included, a custom-built version of Zebra2 (ZebraHZ) requested by Hans to suit his workflow. Several of the Dark Zebra presets take advantage of the extra features only available in ZebraHZ.

ZebraHZ 2.9.2 offers NKS support and we increased the number of Comb filter modules from 2 to 4 and Resonators from 1 to 3.

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Category: WiN | Views: 274 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: u-he, Ce, Dark, Zebra, the, Heckmann, v2.9.3, Audio | Rating: 0.0/0
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