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Home » WiN » Harrison Mixbus v5.2.191 Incl Patch and Keygen
Harrison Mixbus v5.2.191 Incl Patch and Keygen

DATE : 2019.04.18 | NUMBER : R2R-7890 | SiZE : 199.87 MB

With dozens of DAWs to choose from, there's only one that is designed to work like a Harrison, with an analog paradigm that embodies form, function, and sound. Where other DAWs use a computer paradigm, MIXBUS grows from Harrison's distinguished 40-year heritage of platinum records and blockbuster films, such as Thriller, Graceland, and Spider-Man. MIXBUS is the first full-featured DAW with true analog style mixing

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Category: WiN | Views: 632 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Mixbus, v5.2.191, and, Incl, Keygen, patch, Harrison | Rating: 0.0/0
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