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Home » Mac OSX » HairerSoft Amadeus LITE v2.4.1 Patched MAC
HairerSoft Amadeus LITE v2.4.1 Patched MAC

Kleen | 08 August 2017 | 15.6 MB

Amadeus Lite is an intuitive and powerful wave editor supporting a variety of sound formats including AIFF, Wave, MP3, WMA, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, Apple Lossless, and many others. Click on one of the thumbnails below to see a larger version of it.

Wave Editor
Amadeus Lite is a fully featured wave editor featuring smart editing, automatically preventing the appearance of cracks when performing editing operations. It also allows to paste a sound "over" an existing sound, performing a mix and has extensive built-in support for markers, facilitating the navigation in large documents.

Audio Units
Besides having many built-in sound effects, Amadeus Lite comes with full support for Apple's Audio Units. These are sound effects developed by third parties (a few of them are developed by Apple and are built into OS X) that allow to extend Amadeus Lite's possibilities without limits. Some free Audio Units can be found here (direct download link to the mda suite of plug-ins), at destroyFX, at Sound Consulting, and on Michael Norris's website

File Conversion
Amadeus Lite converts audio files from and to no less than 13 sound formats, including AIFF, Wave, Mp3, Mp4, M4a, Ogg Vorbis, WMA, FLAC, and CAF.

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 696 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Amadeus, Patched, Mac, v2.4.1, lite, HairerSoft | Rating: 0.0/0
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