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Home » Tutorial » Groove3 The Mechanics of Mixing in Logic Pro X TUTORiAL
Groove3 The Mechanics of Mixing in Logic Pro X TUTORiAL

SYNTHiC4TE | March 19 2017 | 1.69 GB

Learn the nuts and bolts of mixing in Logic Pro X! Eli Krantzberg takes you on a mixing journey using nothing but LPX, showing you all the features and functions, steps, techniques and theories to use to create a professional sounding product. You also get the full Logic Project and audio files so you can mix or remix along in real-time!

Eli starts with an overview of what the video series will cover, and then jumps right in with setting up your project with color markers, organizing tracks, signal flow concept, volume level mixes, using a master buss and more.

He then gets into all the individual instruments including drums, bass, and guitars, followed by extensive work on all the vocals and harmonies. Eli wraps it up with a deep focus on effects, automation, mix bus processing and other ideas.

See the individual tutorial descriptions below for more info. If you want to mix in LPX, but aren't sure where to start, or want to see how a veteran Logic user approaches mixing, look no further than "The Mechanics of Mixing in Logic Pro X".

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1212 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: the, pro, Logic, Mixing, Groove3, in, tutorial, MechaniCS, of | Rating: 0.0/0
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