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Home » Tutorial » Groove3 Studio One Automation Explained TUTORiAL
Groove3 Studio One Automation Explained TUTORiAL

SYNTHiC4TE | Nov 11 2017 | 558 MB
Links update: 13/01/2019

Studio One wiz Marcus Huyskens shows you everything you need to know about Automation in Presonus Studio One! Learn all about the powerful automation features that make working in Studio One faster and more creative.

Marcus starts by welcoming you and introduces you to the basic ideas behind automation and how it’s all laid out in Studio One, as well as the concepts of automating plug-ins vs track based parameters, and an introduction to automation envelopes.

Next, marcus gives you the info you need to understand automation views, setting up automation preferences, an overview of the different arrange window views, and cool workflow tips that will supercharge the way you use automation in S1.

Moving on, Marcus rolls up his sleeves and gives you in-depth examples of working with automation in Studio One, including using the various paint tools, grid modes, snap settings, VCA automation, slick shortcuts, automating instrument tracks, MIDI and part based automation and more!

See the individual tutorial descriptions for more info. If you’re looking to use automation to improve the productions and mixes you make with Studio one, let Marcus show you how with this in-depth video series… Watch “Studio One Automation Explained®” today!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 920 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: one, Studio, tutorial, Explained, Automation, Groove3 | Rating: 0.0/0
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