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Groove3 Scaler Explained TUTORiAL


Studio expert Larry Holcombe presents comprehensive Plugin Boutique Scaler 2 video tutorials! If you want to learn how to take advantage of all the features and functions available in Scaler and use them to create a world of new ideas, expressions and melodies, this course is the one to watch. Larry walks you through the basics and then dives into the more advanced features and functions, as well as shows you them in action by creating different song ideas from scratch. These videos are for new Plugin Boutique Scaler 2 users.

Larry welcomes you and then starts at the beginning, showing you the different ways to load the Scaler plug-in and the main areas of the plug-in interface, and how to extract chords and scales from MIDI and Audio files so you can use them to generate new, complementary chord progressions. Then learn all about the Status Bar and Performance Panel of the header, which allows you to monitor MIDI and audio detection, plus access shortcuts to important playback settings. Next, explore how to choose Scales and browse Chord Sets from both the Genres and Artists options, plus how to load a user progression and lock it to a tonic and key, and then easily change up its chord varieties, inversions and substitutions for a totally new sound!

Throughout the rest of the course you'll see how to use more advanced features like Modulation, the Progression Builder, Pads and Patterns, Performances and Phrases, Rhythms, Arpeggios and Strumming, easily generate baselines and melodies, create automatic, smooth professional sounding chord progressions using voice grouping and humanization, creating both a techno idea as well as a Neo Soul beat, and more!

To see exactly what these in-depth Plugin Boutique Scaler 2 tutorials show you, and how they'll make using Scaler to generate amazing chords, baselines and melodies fun and easy, see the individual Scaler video tutorial descriptions on this page. Generate new ideas for your songs and productions today... Watch “Scaler Explained®” now.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 335 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Scaler, Groove3, tutorial, Explained | Rating: 0.0/0
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