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Groove3 Samplitude Pro X4 Beginners Guide TUTORiAL


DAW master Gary Hiebner presents in-depth Samplitude video tutorials! Get up and running fast with Samplitude Pro X4 and learn to record and edit MIDI and Audio, use cool effects and powerful automation, and much more. These videos are designed for beginner Samplitude Pro X4 users.

Gary welcomes you and then jumps right in, showing you how to set up your audio device so you can record and playback within Samplitude. Then you'll learn how to record to an audio track, edit your audio, and apply Samplitude's innovative object based editing and processing features.

Next, you'll get into Samplitude's MIDI functions, and you'll discover how to set up your MIDI instruments, record MIDI, use the powerful Drum Editor feature to make a beat, as well as regular MIDI editing tools to create the perfect part. Gary then shows you how to add effect plug-ins to further sculpt your sounds, and set up a Reverb effect send and return for better routing solutions and computer power management.

Last but not least, you'll learn how to use Samplitude's great automation features that allow you to create more interesting parts and mixes, and then how to use the Export feature to share your new song with the world.

To see what these enlightening Samplitude tutorials show you, and how they'll help you start using Samplitude Pro X4 quickly and easily, see the individual Samplitude video tutorial descriptions on this page. Start making your music now... Watch "Samplitude Pro X4: Beginner's Guide" today!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 521 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Groove3, X4, pro, beginners, Samplitude, Guide, tutorial | Rating: 0.0/0
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