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Home » Tutorial » Groove3 MASCHINE MK3 Advanced Note Sequencing TUTORiAL REPACK
Groove3 MASCHINE MK3 Advanced Note Sequencing TUTORiAL REPACK

SYNTHiC4TE | Oct 21 2018 | 615 MB

Thomas Cochran delivers in-depth video tutorials on advanced note sequencing with MASCHINE MK3. See the basics and more advanced ways to handle MIDI notes in MASCHINE, and get helpful tips for creating your own musical parts and ideas.

Thomas begins with a brief introduction, and then goes over the goals of the course and what will be covered. You’ll then get a quick overview of MASCHINE’s sequencer interface, including the difference between patterns and scenes, as well as their functions.

Next, you’ll see how to sequence rhythmic patterns on the MK3 controller and edit note values in the sequencer via the menus, and screens on the controller hardware.

Advance drum programing is then shown, including how to add subtle variation to patterns with velocity automation, swing, and how to sequence “off the note grid” to create a more natural feel and or shuffle groove.

Thomas then reveals how to program melodic elements on the MK3 controller, as well as how to setup and adjust scales and chords on the hardware, plus how to enter in pitch automation to make for a more exciting lead pattern.

Then go deeper and learn how MASCHINE’s pad shift functions can be used to modify patterns in the sequencer, as well as how to automate instruments and effects with the MK3 hardware for complete sonic control.

Wrapping it up, Thomas puts everything you’ve learnt in the series into a creative video, showing how to program parts quickly and easily, but most of all, interestingly!

If you have Native Instrument’s MASCHINE MK3, knowing your way around the note sequencer is a must. Get comfortable with sequencing MIDI data on MASCHINE, speed up your workflow, and produce and write songs quicker… Watch “MASCHINE MK3: Advanced Note Sequencing” today.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 761 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Maschine, Sequencing, Note, Groove3, RePack, MK3, tutorial, Advanced | Rating: 0.0/0
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