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Groove3 MASCHINE Know-How Instruments and Automation TUTORiAL

SYNTHiC4TE | June 12 2017 | 355 MB

MASCHINE guru Sami Rabia shows you everything you need to know to load, edit and control NI and 3rd Party instruments in MASCHINE, as well as control them and MASCHINE with automation from within MASCHINE and your DAW. Endless creative techniques await!

Sami starts by showing you the different ways of loading instruments, and then cool routing ideas for instruments that have multiple outputs.

Next, you’ll see how to assign MASCHINE’s controls and Macro controls, and how to use the MIDI learn feature to make assigning controls fast and easy.

Lastly, discover how to record and edit modulation to make your tracks come alive, and how to setup controlling MACSHINE with automation from your DAW, for truly endless creative options.

If you use MASCHINE, this series is a must see. Learn the techniques used to make more interesting and dynamic tracks… Watch “MASCHINE Know-How: Instruments & Automation” today!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 752 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Maschine, Know-How, and, Automation, Instruments, tutorial, Groove3 | Rating: 0.0/0
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