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Home » Tutorial » Groove3 Logic Pro X Know-How Markers TUTORiAL
Groove3 Logic Pro X Know-How Markers TUTORiAL

SYNTHiC4TE | August 20 2016 | 223.91 MB

The Logic wiz Doug Zangar returns, this time with a Know-How series on the powerful Marker features in Logic Pro X! These in-depth video tutorials will show you how Markers make recording, editing and navigating in LPX, way more efficient and fun.

Doug starts off with an overview of the different types of Markers found in Logic Pro X, then it's off to Marker school, where you'll learn how to create Markers and Marker Sets, as well as how to Copy, Resize and Lock Markers.

Moving on, Doug now reveals how to Navigate with Markers, utilize Movie Markers, and create and edit Arrangement Markers, supercharging your Logic Pro X workflow.

Importing Markers from other projects and editing audio file Marker information is then covered, as well as super-techie info, like using a Standard MIDI File to move markers to other projects!

If you're a Logic Pro X user, Markers are indispensable and will enhance your writing and production experience ten fold. Check out "Logic Pro X Know How: Markers" today.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 928 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: pro, tutorial, Markers, Know-How, Logic, Groove3 | Rating: 0.0/0
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