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Groove3 Logic Pro X 10.5 Update Explained TUTORiAL

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Logic Pro X expert Eli Krantzberg brings you comprehensive Logic Pro X 10.5 video tutorials! With over 5 hours of runtime, you'll learn all about the new features and functions added to Logic Pro X 10.5 such as Live Loops, the Step Sequencer, Sampler, Quick Sampler, Remix FX and much, much more, as well as how to use them effectively. These videos are for those who already know Logic Pro X and want to learn about just the new features added in 10.5.

Eli greets you and explains how major of an update 10.5 is, and then jumps right in with one of the biggest new additions, the Step Sequencer. Learn everything you need to know about this powerhouse step sequencer including its conceptual approach, managing the relationship between pattern region length and pattern length, how to use and adjust step rate, playback direction, rotate steps, Gate, Tie, Note, and Loop Start/End step based attributes, using automation, pattern management and more.

The new Quick Sampler and Sampler have replaced the old EXS24 sampler, and Eli goes deep into these awesome new virtual samplers. Learn things like navigating their interfaces, file management, zooming, autolooping, cropping, re-importing, display grids, loops & fades, filters & LFOs, using and assigning envelopes & modulation, Slice Mode, synth controls, mapping, zones, tips & tricks and much more.

Another major new feature is Live Loops, and Eli covers it inside and out! Live Loops allows you to create on the fly performances, encourages experimentation and new arrangement ideas, and is a great alternative way to working in Logic’s Tracks Area. Learn important fundamentals, how to set the Quantize Start Value, the different Play Modes, populate the Grid, extract loops, record to Cells, Loops settings, how to work with Scenes, capturing your performance, external control and more.

But wait there's more... Get in-depth coverage on more powerful new additions to Logic Pro X 10.5, such as the new Remix FX, Drum Synth, Drum Machine Drum Designer, Auto Sampler, new automation modes, Capture as Recording feature, Channel EQ updates, mixer enhancements and so much more.

To see what these exceptional Logic Pro X 10.5 video tutorials show you, and how they'll get you up to speed on the new features and use them like a pro, see the individual Logic Pro X 10.5 tutorial descriptions on this page. Learn Logic Pro X 10.5 from one of best LPX instructors out there and get up to speed fast... Watch "Logic Pro X 10.5 Update Explained®" now.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 479 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Update, tutorial, Explained, 10.5, Logic, pro, Groove3 | Rating: 0.0/0
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