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Groove3 iZotope Dialogue Match Explained TUTORiAL


Groove3 is proud to be an iZotope official educational partner, presenting you with a detailed collection of iZotope Dialogue Match video tutorials! Eli Krantzberg shows you all of the Dialogue Match features and functions, including how to use it to match and replace dialog in your post productions. This series is for new Dialogue Match users who want to get up and running fast.

Eli starts with what Dialogue Match actually does, as well as where all the main controls are, and how they're laid out and accessed in the GUI. Next, Eli puts Dialogue Match in action, matching a lavalier mic recording with a more ambient, farther, thinner sounding room mic.

Dialogue Match's advanced EQ control is then explored, and you'll learn how to edit the individual EQ bands to more closely match the tone of the reference mic, followed by how to edit the qualities of the early reflections and reverb tail generated from the reference profile, resulting in a perfect match.

Wrapping it up, Eli shows you how Dialogue Match really shines, as the profile of a noisy room mic is applied to a close mic that imparts the space of the room with minimal noise.

To see what these helpful Dialogue Match tutorials show you, and how they'll help you to get up and running fast with Dialogue Match, see the individual iZotope Dialogue Match video tutorial descriptions on this page. If you're ready to start using iZotope Dialogue Match in your post production work, this is the perfect series for you... Watch “iZotope Dialogue Match Explained®" today!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 624 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Groove3, Dialogue, tutorial, iZotope, Match, Explained | Rating: 0.0/0
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