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Home » Tutorial » Groove3 Cubase Working Outside of the Box TUTORiAL
Groove3 Cubase Working Outside of the Box TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 28 July 2018 | 231 MB
Links update: 06/01/2020

Studio master Paul Ortiz brings you the video tutorials you've always wanted when needing to hook up external synths to your Cubase DAW system! Get all the basic questions answered as well as info on more advanced topics and solutions.

Designed for the beginner to working with external synths in Cubase, Paul starts at the beginning showing you how to save your own input configuration to make the most of your available inputs, and set yourself up for the first device.

Then it's onto making your first connections and recording a single synth, layering parts as you go to create your full production, using only a single external synth. You'll also get tips on ways to monitor your external synth, and how to get the most out of just one device.

Still using only one synth, Paul now reveals how to capture and print MIDI data to audio, and talks about organizational approaches to handling multiple pairs of MIDI and audio tracks, as well as how to go back and make edits to your overdubs.

For the rest of the video tutorials you'll explore more advanced topics such as configuring your external synths to function like VST Instrument Tracks, using MIDI Clock, MIDI CC and Program Changes, MIDI Thru, Expanding Ports and more!

Wrapping it all up, Paul explains how to bridge the gap between hardware and software style sequencing using Cubase's pattern sequencer, as well as real-time solutions for rendering and exporting your tracks to WAV files.

See the individual tutorial descriptions for more detailed info. If you're new to Cubase and its external routing capabilities, or just want some more info on the topic of hooking up and routing external synths in Cubase, this series is a must see.. watch "Cubase - Working Outside of the Box" today!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 680 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Cubase, tutorial, Groove3, box, the, of, Outside, WORKING | Rating: 0.0/0
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