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Groove3 - Cubase 9.5 Production Tips & Tricks

ilfsn | 51Mins + Preset | 163MB

Cubase guru Paul Ortiz shares cool production tips and tricks when using some of the new features added to Cubase 9.5. See how these new features can serve as a starting point for inspiration, as well as provide endless creative options!

Paul begins by welcoming you and then starts with the new Click Track options in Cubase 9.5. See how something as innocuous as the metronome can be used to inspire complex and creative grooves.

Moving on, Paul reveals the new Automation and Direct Offline Processing functions, and you’ll see how to use the new Bezier Curves and Range Tools to sculpt and duplicate automation. You’ll also learn how to manually create a side-chaining effect, and get a quick look at direct offline processing for non-destructive pre-rendered effects.

Next, Paul revisits the Sampler Track and shows how to extract melodic samples from drum kits, slice drum loops, and create granular pads, using only MIDI and the Sampler Track!

Wrapping it up, Paul gives you 2 videos on the powerful new FLUX Wavetable Synth included with HALion Sonic SE3. Get an in-depth tour of the new synth, as well as how to make staple sounds such as a Pad, Bass and Arpeggiated Pluck sound, all from scratch.

See the individual tutorial descriptions for more info. If you’re looking for some cool, inspirational info on using some of the new features found in Cubase 9.5, look no further. Watch “Cubase 9.5 Production Tips & Tricks” today!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 702 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: tips, 9.5, Production, Cubase, Tricks, Groove3 | Rating: 0.0/0
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