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Groove3 Conflux Explained TUTORiAL


New Kontakt 8 users have a lot to be excited about, and the new hybrid instrument Conflux is certainly near the top of the list. In this video course, synth guru Eli Krantzberg takes you on a deep exploration of the instrument, explaining all the parameters and features and providing plenty of musical examples so you can really get an idea of Conflux's capabilities. By the end of the course, you'll be familiar with all the controls well enough that you can make use of them in your very next production. These videos are designed for new Conflux users.

Eli starts by welcoming you and providing an overview of Conflux's layout and basic structure. You'll get a quick sense of where everything is located before moving on to specifics. Then Eli covers the controls on the header, including the glide mode options and others, before moving on to the basic wavetable and sample layering functions, along with the different types of oscillator sync available. You'll then get a look at the oscillator slot, which provides three optional modules that can be used as modulation sources or be added to the wavetable sound source.

Next, explore the various filters to hear how they sound and see how the four-stage modulation envelope works for adding movement to the patches. Eli demonstrates the effects next, which include modulation, delay, reverb, and more. You'll then learn about working with the macros, which allow for quick and easy adjustment of several parameters at once—ideal for live performance or to quickly shape sounds in different ways. Eli finishes off the course with some sound design videos that teach you how to set up three sounds from scratch: Wowza Bass, PercPluk, and Jitter Pad.

Conflux is capable of some incredibly unique and powerful sounds, and this Conflux video course is the best and easiest way to learn how to get the most out of this exciting new instrument. Whether you want to create ambient soundscapes for film/TV or video games, or you want to simply design some bold new sounds for your next hip-hop track, you'll learn all you need to know in no time. Check out the individual Conflux video tutorial descriptions for more info on everything this instrument can do and how you can make use of it in your own productions. Explore bold new sonic frontiers... Watch "Conflux Explained®" today!

What You Will Learn:

-Interface layout, preset management, and basic instrument architecture.

-Selecting various sound sources (synth and sample) to construct your basic sound and tweaking them with the various filters available.

-Shaping the patches further with the LFOs, amp envelope, and modulation envelope.

-Adding the final touches to your patch with effects.

-And more!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 164 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Explained, Groove3, Conflux, tutorial | Rating: 0.0/0
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