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Gravez Ascension Kit 3 WAV

WAV | 494 MB

The long-awaited next-installament in the Ascension series has finally arrived !!!

It's unbelievable at how well the first two kits did that it was only right that I cooked up Part 3.

In AK3, I wanted to step outside the box as far as sounds goes which is where the crazy "SLAPS" folder comes into play. Every sound in this folder was completly made from scratch and then mangled. Every sound in here can be used to give your claps, snares, etc. a unique edge to them.

The 808's and Kicks were created with a Volca Modular Synthesizer, 3xosc, VST's and then tweaked, mixed and warped to mimic the knock of the latest go-to sounds.

Also, once again I have included 20 hand-crafted samples I composed in the "Melodies" folder which are free to use.

* Unless your beat gets placed with a major artist in which just contact me for info. Easy clearance I promise :)

Enjoy and happy beat making.

- Gravez

Round 3. Fight.

•(030) 808's
•(015) CLAPS
•(010) HATS
•(015) KICKS
•(265) SLAPS
•(025) SNARES

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 360 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: ascension, wav, Kit, Gravez | Rating: 0.0/0
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