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Home » Sound Libraries » Glitchmachines Biomorph WAV KONTAKT LiVE DVDR-KRock
Glitchmachines Biomorph WAV KONTAKT LiVE DVDR-KRock
Team KRock | 23 January 2013 | 1.56 GB
Links update: 16/03/2017
Biomorph is a new sample library by acclaimed sound designer Ivo Ivanov, featuring cutting-edge sound effects with an alien sci-fi aesthetic. You will find everything from hyper-stylized digital soundscapes, mutated organisms, granulated liquids, and twisted robotic vocalizations to sophisticated low frequency effects, morphing textures and otherworldly atmospheres that defy categorization. This flexible library was specifically designed to be equally geared toward music production, game audio, and multimedia applications. If your next project calls for the sounds of ancient extraterrestrial artifacts, eerie inter-dimensional entities, gritty biomechanical articulations, or foreboding environmental effects, you will undoubtedly find this collection to be an indispensable resource.
Biomorph comes with 2.3 GB of audio content, which has been developed with some of the latest audio processing tools and carefully tagged with Soundminer metadata to facilitate optimized searching and professional database integration. Biomorph also comes with Ableton Live & Kontakt sampler presets for instant playability.
Biomorph has a wealth of complex composite sounds as well as an exhaustive palette of material that is perfect for creating impressive layered effects. The true potential of this library lies in the possibilities presented by layering sounds from both of the main sample groups; Organics and Synthetics. Step into Biomorph and open up portals!
2.3 GB of .wav audio files 
All audio files are embedded with Soundminer metadata* 
Nearly all audio files are 24bit/44.1khz .wav files** 
Sampler instruments for Ableton Live & NI Kontakt 
Content split into three groups; Composites, Organics, Synthetics 
*Embedded Metadata which can be used to search the library 
**Some files in the SYNTHETICS group are natively at 16bit/44.1kHz 
Approximately 2.5 GB of hard drive space 
Minimum 1GB RAM for most sampler kits 
Ableton Live 8 (for Live kits)* 
Native Instruments Kontakt (for Kontakt kits)** 
* Ableton Live Kits were made/tested using version 8.3.4 
** Kontakt kits were made/tested using version 5.0.3 

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 1248 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: DVDR-KRock, Kontakt, Biomorph, Glitchmachines, live, wav | Rating: 0.0/0
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