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Home » Sound Libraries » Glitchedtones Whooshes and Transitions WAV
Glitchedtones Whooshes and Transitions WAV

FANTASTiC | 15 February 2019 | 247 MB

Whether you work in film, game or music production, it's a standard requirement to have a wide range of whoosh and transition sounds at your disposal. With raw, organic textures alongside heavily processed Doppler FX, the sounds in this library can be mixed together to create a multitude of variations which will give your projects a real edge.

Featuring power ups and downs, spacecraft passbys, robotic movement, machine failure, future technology sounds and more, Whooshes & Transitions features 150 unique audio files ready to process to your liking or drop straight into your production.

150 files
150 sounds
24 biy / 96 kHz

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 599 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: and, wav, Whooshes, Transitions, Glitchedtones | Rating: 0.0/0
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