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Garritan ARIA Player v1.959

WIN | 31.40 MB
Links update: 05/06/2023

ARIA Player Advanced Instrument Engine
The Garritan libraries are proudly powered by the ARIA Player. No need to purchase a separate sampler.

Use as a standalone to record and playback live – turn your computer into a virtual instrument! The standalone ARIA Player allows you to load and playback MIDI files.
Use as a plug-in (Audio Unit, VST, RTAS) with sequencers or notation programs such as Finale.
Features Conexant’s Endless Wave technology for hard disc streaming of multiple stops and ranks.
You need ARIA Engine to run. Check our another release.

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Category: WiN | Views: 678 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: v1.959, player, Aria, Garritan | Rating: 0.0/0
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