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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Garritan Abbey Road Studios CFX Lite v1.009 (WIN OSX)
Garritan Abbey Road Studios CFX Lite v1.009 (WIN OSX)

Team R2R | 03 Jan 2018 | 2.35GB
Links update: 13/12/2019

We placed the awe-inspiring Yamaha CFX Concert Grand Piano in Abbey Road Studio One, where award-winning engineers used the world’s greatest microphones and equipment to create a stunning virtual instrument library. The resulting product, the CFX Concert Grand, set new standards for virtual pianos.

The CFX Lite is a subset of the CFX Concert Grand that retains all of the expressive detail of the original by providing the full power of the Close Classic mic perspective. Today you can download stellar piano sounds at an affordable price.

Special Features
These new features, not found in the original CFX Concert Grand, are available today in CFX Lite (as well as the CFX Concert Grand update for Mac and Windows).

Timbre Effect
To produce this effect, the CFX Lite uses a higher or lower sample than the pitch you play (depending on the knob setting) and transposes it, producing the altered timbre at the correct pitch. When the Timbre Effect knob is at 50%, you’ll experience the natural timbre of the sampled Yamaha CFX concert grand piano. Turn the Timbre Effect knob above 50% to give the piano a more plucked sound and turn the Timbre Effect knob below 50% for a less percussive sound. This can be used to emulate the technique George Martin utilized on “In My Life.”

Size and Decay knobs have been added for more comprehensive control over the reverb settings.

Twenty-two reverb impulses of actual presets from Abbey Road Studio One rack gear are included (these represent some serious secret sauce).

Re-Pedaling and Partial Pedaling
Added realism has been added to pedal behavior. Re-Pedaling “catches” a note with the sustain pedal after it is played and Partial Pedaling allows you to use a continuous sustain pedal to vary the amount of dampening applied.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 1430 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Garritan, cFX, Abbey, (Win, v1.009, OSX), Road, Studios, lite | Rating: 0.0/0
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