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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » FXpansion Geist Expander Synth Percussion
FXpansion Geist Expander Synth Percussion

TEAM V.R | Nov 21 2017 | 13.2 MB

Geist Expander: Synth Percussion - A unique collection of percussive drum hits to spice up your drum tracks, made exclusively with synthesisers both old and new.

Forget conventional and acoustic drums - this Geist Expander focuses purely on the weird and wonderful results that can be achieved when using synthesisers as a sound source for percussion. Geist Expander: Synth Percussion contains hats, kicks, percussion, snares and tom samples generated from both classic & modern-day synthesisers. Start from scratch to create and entirely electronic rhythmic section, or add analogue chirps & digital buzzes to your beats to give your tracks an inventive twist.


•42 Hi Hat hits
•52 Kick hits
•108 Percussion hits
•41 Snare hits
•22 Tom hits
•5 Kit presets

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 791 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Expander, FXPansion, Percussion, Synth, Geist | Rating: 0.0/0
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