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Home » WiN » Fuse Audio Labs VCL-4 v1.2.0 CE
Fuse Audio Labs VCL-4 v1.2.0 CE

TEAM V.R | May 23 2018 | 3.52 MB

VCL-4 is a faithful emulation of the silver face revision of the op-amp-based successor of THE classic late 60s opto leveler. It provides you with unintrusive to extreme program dependent and musical opto compression. The switchable ratio option makes for a flexible solution over a wide range of source material.

During the modeling process Fuse Audio Labs rebuilt the entire original circuit on strip board, however replacing the original opto-cells that were made up of an LED and an photoresistor with suitable Vactrols. Every part of the circuit including the receiver stage, the side-chain and Vactrol LED driver circuit, the Vactrol itself as well as the push-pull driver stage and the output transformer has been accurately modeled.

VCL-4 update [v1.2]

+Fix blacklisting in Cubase 9 on Mac OS < 10.12
+Fix sporadically muted audio upon instanciation

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Category: WiN | Views: 651 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Ce, Labs, Audio, Fuse, VCL-4, v1.2.0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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