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From Scratch: Writings in Music Theory by James Tenney

ISBN: 025203872X | English | 504 pages | PDF | 5.26 MB
Links update: 19/12/2020

One of the twentieth century's most important musical thinkers, James Tenney did pioneering work in multiple fields, including computer music, tuning theory, and algorithmic and computer-assisted composition.

From Scratch is a collection of Tenney's hard-to-find writings arranged, edited, and revised by the self-described "composer/theorist." Selections focus on his fundamental concerns–"what the ear hears"–and include thoughts and ideas on perception and form, tuning systems and especially just intonation, information theory, theories of harmonic space, and stochastic (chance) procedures of composition.

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Category: WiN | Views: 769 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Tenney, Scratch:, by, James, Writings, Theory, From, in, Music | Rating: 0.0/0
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