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Home » WiN » Focusrite Midnight Plug-in Suite v1.4-R2R
Focusrite Midnight Plug-in Suite v1.4-R2R
Team R2R | 2012.11.28 | 17.33 MB
Links update: 25/12/2018
Focusrite’s new Midnight plug-in suite takes two of the most iconic Focusrite modules of all time – the ISA110 equaliser and ISA130 compressor; models their sound exactly with powerful DSP technology; and gives them elegant, functional on-screen front panels that make them simplicity itself to use. Now you can add that authentic, classic Focusrite sound to your own tracks at a price you can afford. Your productions have never sounded so good.

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Category: WiN | Views: 1285 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: R2R, plug-in, Suite, Midnight, v1.4, Focusrite | Rating: 0.0/0
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