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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Fluffy Audio - DidgHybridoo
Fluffy Audio - DidgHybridoo

Kontakt | 336.11 MB
Links update: 13/03/2020

This is the first didgeridoo library EVER which doesn’t rely on sampled phrases or generic uncontrollable drones. Since emulating a didgeridoo is at least as difficult as emulating the human voice, we’ve developed a custom hybrid solution which not only morphs between the different vowel samples, but enhances the vowels with the help of a custom formant filtering engine. So you can really make your virtual “didgeridooist” pronunciations the different vowels and smoothly change between them.

The drums in this kit have been processed through MPC60 and CMII emulations to ensure a gritty, yet punchy and full sound without With DidgHybridoo you can design your own rhythms by customizing the 12 rhythm patterns: the VowelWheel allows the user to fully customize which vowel the virtual “didgeridooist” will sing.

Moreover, there are many ways to alter the sound of DidgHybridoo: you can change the formant frequencies, alter one or more overtones, adjust the gain of a single overtone, add a resonator to enhance particular frequencies… This makes the instrument suitable to many sound design experiments. That’s why we added many NKI’s with morphable drones, didgeridoo-based soundscapes and rhythmic resonant sequences. The sequences can be smoothed or randomized to give more realism to the final performance.

There are three main patches in DidgHybridoo: an ambient-filmscoring patch and two different sounding ones which suit the best for modern music. This instrument is really a singer-in-one-box, so develop your own rhythms and play!


At the heart of DidgHybridoo we have the VowelWheel, which displays the 5 vowels. You can shift between the vowels by moving the yellow from a Start and an End position, through the Start/End slider which can be assigned to a Midi CC or controlled by the rhythmic modulation table


DidgHybridoo features up to 12 customizable rhythmic patterns which control the cursor position between the Start/End points, the intensity and the amount of growl sound. Patterns are assigned to keyswitches so they can be mixed together to create more interesting sequences!


The settings view offers many options to customize and redesign the sound of the instrument. Each vowel can be altered by changing the fundamental frequency of its five overtones. This is a great tool for sound design as shown by the drone atmospheric patches. For example, if you set the frequencies to the overtones of a single note you can make resonant metallic sounds. In this panel you can also control the volume of the drone, the bass part, the attack of the instrument and the one-shots sound.


326 MB Sample library (compressed in Kontakt’s NCW Format)
519 Samples (44Khz/24Bit)
13 NKI Patches
Advanced formant filtering engine
Rhythmic Modulator with Start/End, Intensity and Growl control
8 Resonator presets based on the selected drone note
18 unique Convolution IRs

DidgHybridoo was realized in collaboration with Christian Muela.

- Instrument design, GUI and scripting by Paolo Ingraito.
- Additional scripting aid was provided by the use of Math Library from Robert Villwock, aka “Big Bob”.
- Thanks to Luca Thomas and Olmo Chittò, for their support and suggestions.
- Finally, many thanks to Mario Krušelj, aka “Evildragon”, for his invaluable KSP tips and for our nice conversations.


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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 1260 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Audio, Fluffy, DidgHybridoo | Rating: 0.0/0
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there is no activation key, so you only have 15 mins to try the demo :(

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