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Home » Mac OSX » FKFX Sylab v1.2.0 U2B Mac
FKFX Sylab v1.2.0 U2B Mac

AU | VST | VST3 | 26.8 MB

Introducing SYLAB

FKFX Audio is introducing SYLAB a unique vowel filter, which includes LFOGRID, an innovative LFO Generative System. Acting like Inception within your sound design, LFOGRID lets you create the right curves effortlessly. Explore a variety of LFO styles at the initial level, uncover additional options within the Patterns level, and then access specialized editing features at the advanced level. Each of the three levels within LFOGRID generates hundreds of new LFOs, providing you with the option to incorporate them into your project by simply clicking on the preview.


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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 162 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Mac, Sylab, U2B, FKFX, v1.2.0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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