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Home » WiN » FKFX KrishnaSynth Legacy v1.8.1 Incl Emulator
FKFX KrishnaSynth Legacy v1.8.1 Incl Emulator

WIN | 31.6 MB

Originally released in 2007, KrishnaSynth makes its comeback as one of the most versatile and musical synth.

This powerful instrument is loaded with over 1000 great acoustic, electric, and synth sounds, and equipped with original synthesis features, giving you the ability to create any sound you can imagine!

Its Frame Synthesis technology lets you can import, build and modify textures from sampled instruments and synth waveforms, creating almost any kind of texture using its unique Frame Oscillator and its comprehensible set of DSP functions and effects.
A witch says,

Enjoy! The full webauth emulation by emulating WININET.dll :)

KrishnaSynth Legacy will be FREE edition when you install FREE Data.
It will be FULL edition when you install FULL data. Wait for someone sharing the FULL data.

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Category: WiN | Views: 223 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: FKFX, Incl, v1.8.1, Emulator, KrishnaSynth, Legacy | Rating: 0.0/0
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