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Home » Sound Libraries » Fanu/FatGyver New Year's Sample Gift Bag: Rare Funk Breaks (from vinyl) WAV
Fanu/FatGyver New Year's Sample Gift Bag: Rare Funk Breaks (from vinyl) WAV

WAV | 54 MB

These breaks are mostly from a Finnish funk/soul label, Timmion, so check them out on Bandcamp: they have breaks on their tunes very often. And their tunes are honestly dope, and everything gets released on vinyl, too...great listening, great vibes, and it all sounds so 70s even though they're made today most of the time.

You simply can't not like them.

Make sure to buy something to support them, because they rock.

For breaks, look acts like Calypso King & The Soul Investigators, Myron & E, Cold Diamond & Mink, Didier's Sound Spectrum etc.

These should be good for downtempo, hip hop, jungle and that sort of thing.

There's 35+ breaks, and you probably haven't heard them before.

Happy 2025 :-)

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 77 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Bag:, Rare, Sample, (From, New, Fanu/FatGyver, wav, Breaks, Year's, gift, Vinyl), Funk | Rating: 0.0/0
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