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FabFilter Pro-Q 4 v4.0.0 U2B Mac

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Pro • Q4 Highest possible sound quality, unrivalled interface workflow.

Unrivalled sound and workflow. An equalizer is probably the tool you use most while mixing and mastering, so you need the best of the best. With FabFilter Pro-Q 4, you get the highest possible sound quality, a very extensive feature set, and a gorgeous, innovative interface with unrivalled ease of use. All your Pro-Q 4 instances in one interface. With Pro-Q 4, you can control any other plug-in instance in your session from a single interface, easily navigating the list by filtering, pinning and zooming as you like. Once you know how to use it, the Instance List will be a huge time saver, making it much easier to setup initial EQing when starting your mix session.

Release Notes
FabFilter releases Pro-Q 4 equalizer plug-in
Dec 12, 2024
FabFilter releases Pro-Q 4 equalizer plug-in
Now available: FabFilter Q 4, the latest version of our industry-standard equalizer plug-in. Pro-Q 4 builds on the powerful feature set, sound quality and intuitive workflow that have always set Pro-Q apart with the addition of dynamic spectral processing, unified multi-instance control, direct curve drawing, analog-style saturation modes, a fresh new look, and much more.

Spectral Dynamics

Taking problem-solving EQ to new heights, Spectral Dynamics extends Pro-Q's existing Dynamic EQ mode with the ability to apply expansion or compression to only those frequencies within a specified band that exceed the threshold, leaving all other frequencies unaffected. Making light work of suppressing harshness and unwanted resonances, this form of processing has always required a dedicated plug-in, but Pro-Q 4 simply integrates it as another per-band option alongside the conventional dynamic and static EQ modes you already rely on every day.

Instance List

The new Instance List button at the bottom center of any Pro-Q 4 running in a project opens an overview of all Pro-Q 4 instances in a session, zoomable from a rack of miniaturized spectrum displays all the way up to fully interactive displays in which curves can be created and edited as usual, including with EQ Sketch. Activate the Auto-Zoom option to automatically focus on the instance currently under the mouse pointer, and use the Filter, Quick Jump, Search and Minimap features to easily navigate between all Pro-Q 4 instances, no matter how numerous. The Instance List will save a ton of time when mixing, and is a feast for the eyes in Full Screen mode.

EQ Sketch

Pro-Q 4 further improves on the user experience with a whole new way to create broad-strokes filter response curves: EQ Sketch. Simply drag the mouse across the main display to instantiate a series of filters set up to match the curve you draw, with slopes defined by the steepness of your mouse movements. Ideal for quickly establishing general frequency-shaping starting points to be tweaked and honed using Pro-Q 4's regular controls, EQ Sketch is a serious workflow booster, particularly when used in conjunction with the new Instance List.

Character modes

Pro-Q 4's new Character modes bring the authentic circuit-modelled distortion for which FabFilter has long been known to Pro-Q, imbuing tracks and mixes with ear-pleasing analog flavor. Switch to the Subtle mode for gentle program- and frequency-dependent, transformer-style saturation, or the Warm mode when more obvious tube-style saturation is called for. The default Clean mode, meanwhile, retains Pro-Q's original transparent, uncolored sound.

Key features

Professional mastering-grade EQ plugin with up to 24 bands, a huge range of filter types, 6-96dB/octave slopes for all filter types, plus Brickwall slopes for the High Cut and Low Cut filters
New: Draw response curves directly into the display with EQ Sketch
New: Target problem frequencies with Spectral Dynamics
New: Control all Pro-Q 4 instances in a project from a single interface with the Instance List
New: Bring analog-modelled color and warmth to your sounds with Character modes
New: Copy and Paste EQ curves between plugin instances
New: Full-featured preset browser, with tags, favorites, search and filter functions, plus new factory presets
New: Fractional filter slope settings, so e.g. 3 dB/oct Low Cut or 14.2 dB/oct Bell filters can now be created
New: Apply phase adjustments with the All Pass filter type
New: Parameter editing directly in the EQ parameter value display, via dragging or mouse wheel scrolling
Improved: Fresh new design, with resizable GPU-accelerated graphical interface and full-screen mode
Improved: Context-sensitive curve creation previews
Improved: Attack and Release controls for Dynamic EQ curves
Improved: Fine-tune Dynamic EQ response with sidechain filtering
Improved: Greater precision for Linear Phase mode
Improved: Better analog matching in Zero Latency and Natural Phase modes
Dynamic EQ option for every band
Natural, Zero Latency and Linear Phase processing modes
Per-band Stereo, Left, Right, Mid or Side mode
Surround support, supporting up to Dolby Atmos 9.1.6 with flexible surround channel linking
EQ Match for imposing the tonal characteristics of one signal on another
Spectrum Grab: grab and adjust filters directly in the spectrum analyzer
Intelligent multiband selection and editing, and band solo mode
Powerful real-time spectrum analyzer with separate mastering (3/6dB) and mixing (12/30dB) display ranges
Piano Display switches the frequency scale to musical note values
Plus: All the usual FabFilter features: perfectly fine-tuned knobs and controllers, interactive MIDI Learn, undo/redo and A/B switch, Smart Parameter Interpolation for smooth parameter transitions, an extensive help file with interactive help hints, sample accurate automation, NEON and SSE optimization, and more

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 214 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: FabFilter, v4.0.0, Mac, U2B, Pro-Q | Rating: 0.0/0
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