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Home » Sound Libraries » F9 - Electric Funk Instruments (Logic Pro X /EXS24/Channel strips)
F9 - Electric Funk Instruments (Logic Pro X /EXS24/Channel strips)

NU DiSCO | 18.10.2018 | F9 Audio | Logic Pro X | 5.2 GB

128+ Multisampled Funk Instruments

Ever since the release of Electric Funk so many of you have asked when will we be releasing a pack of playable funk instruments.

We are very proud to present 128 exceptionally playable instruments that run using native Logic & Ableton DAW samplers and Kontakt**. This collection is our homage to an era of music that shaped electronic club music for decades.

The only way to get the truly authentic tones of the electro-funk explosion that dominated mid 80s club and R+B chart-toppers was to sample the original hardware. That's exactly what we did here but with the 21st-century sonics that F9 is infamous for.

This pack contains:

20 Analog Basses ( with Round-Robin sampling )
15 Digital Basses
22 Key Patches
15 Lead Patches
29 Sequence, Plucks and sampled hit patches
20 Analog Poly-Synths
10 Digital Poly Synths

The original machines that made the funk :
For this set of instruments, we meticulously sampled basses, leads, pads, and polysynths from the original 80's legends -

Jupiter 8,
Prophet 600,
Prophet 5
Juno 60
Sequential Prophet VS
Ensoniq Mirage
EMU Systems Emax I ( analog filters )
Oberheim DPX-1 ( 8 /12bit sample player with analog filters )
Yamaha DX7 IIFD
Yamaha TX 802
Yamaha TX 81Z
Snapping at the heals of those famously wandering analog oscillators were 2 fledgling technologies - Digital Synthesis and Sampling.

This collection is Compatible with

Logic Pro X ( all versions via EXS24 + Channel strips )

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 660 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: (Logic, /EXS24/Channel, Funk, Instruments, F9, strips), electric, pro | Rating: 0.0/0
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