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Home » Mac OSX » Expert Sleepers Silent Way v2.1 Mac OSX-Xdb
Expert Sleepers Silent Way v2.1 Mac OSX-Xdb
Team Xdb | 27.01.2013 | 5.10 MB
Links update: 21/03/2019
Modular synth controller plug-ins
Silent Way is a suite of plug-ins designed for use as part of a modular analogue synthesiser system. The plug-ins produce no sound themselves, nor do they process sound - rather, they generate signals to be used as control voltages (CVs), which can be patched into the control inputs of oscillators, filters, VCAs etc. of an analogue system.
There are currently two plug-ins in the Silent Way suite - Silent Way DC and Silent Way Voice Controller. These are described in more detail below. It is anticipated that more plug-ins will be added to the suite in the future - watch the website for product announcements.
What's new? :
* Added a new plug-in: Silent Way Function. SW Function applies simple mathematical operations to incoming CVs. It is intended to be particularly useful in conjunction with the forthcoming ES-6 and ES-7 modules.
* Added "Calibrated" mode to Silent Way Follower, allowing it to use calibration profiles generated in SW Voice Controller, for accurate pitch tracking from incoming audio to your analogue VCOs.
* Added "Transport2" sync mode to Silent Way LFO. Like the existing Transport mode, but stops when the host transport stops.
* Added a "Transfer” button to Silent Way Soundplane and Silent Way Follower, allowing one click transfer of a calibration from Voice Controller to another plug-in that uses is, without having to save the calibration to disk and load it back in.
* Added support for the Expert Sleepers ES-5 module to Silent Way Sync.
* Added sustain pedal support to Silent Way Voice Controller.
* Fixed a bug that would cause Silent Way Follower to lock up the host application. 

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 1334 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: v2.1, Way, OSX-Xdb, sleepers, Expert, Mac, Silent | Rating: 0.0/0
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