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Home » Sound Libraries » Evolution of Sound Deceiver Drums Fills WAV
Evolution of Sound Deceiver Drums Fills WAV

WAV | 210 MB

When it comes to Tech House production, it can be easy to get caught up in making sure your bass sounds fat, your leads sound right, and your drums groove right, but what about your transitions?

Drum fills play a huge role in making your transitions work in Tech House while also helping make your tracks more interesting. In this expansion to the Deceiver series, we created over 100+ Drum Fills to help you get your transitions and spice up your tracks further.


84 1-2 Bar Tech House Drum Fills

24 4-8 Bar Tech House Drum Fills

14 16 Bar Tech House Drum Fills

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 340 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Fills, Drums, Deceiver, wav, Evolution, Sound, of | Rating: 0.0/0
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