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eJay Sound Collection 4 WAV

WAV | 1.23 GB

Welcome to eJay Sound Collection 4. The fourth edition in the eJay Sound Collection Series once again contains a gigantic selection of handpicked sounds and loops. Just as with the previous three collections in the series, our professional musicians have created over 7,500 special samples exclusively for eJay. As always: top quality sounds and 100% compatible with all music software programs.

In addition to Chill Out, Garage, HipHop, Latin, Trance, Euro, Brit Pop and even Alternative Sounds, these pack hold a hidden treasure that will turn any party into a liberal dance inferno: 2,500 samples collectively called “THE SOUND OF PARADES” – Progressive House, Tech House, Trance, Hard Trance and Techno produced with real Love Parade flair! Mix the kind of tunes that everyone around the world was dancing to this summer.

Bonus addition
Top material for your own mixes from two of the hottest producers on the planet. eJay Sound Collection 4 also contains samples and loops that Carl Cox and Mark Spoon have produced exclusively for eJay.

Easy to use!. The samples are compatible with all popular music software and have been saved in high quality standard WAVE format (44.1 kHz/16bit).

•Alternative: 677.
•ChillOut: 709.
•Djs: 213.
•Dance: 539.
•Garage: 765.
•Hip Hop: 730.
•Latin: 395.
•Pop: 474.
•Progressive: 537.
•Tech House: 568.
•Trance: 739.
•Techno: 725.
•Hard trance: 662.

•Compatible with any audio creation software.
•Produced by professional producers.
•Exclusive sounds from Carl Cox and Mark Spoon
•All sounds 16bit, 44.1 kHz, .WAV
•100% Royalty Free.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 84 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: eJay, wav, Sound, Collection | Rating: 0.0/0
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