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Home » WiN » Eisenberg Einklang v1.0.3 x86 x64 Patch Only-CHAOS
Eisenberg Einklang v1.0.3 x86 x64 Patch Only-CHAOS
Team CHAOS | 8 May 2013 | 6.56 MB
Links update: 24/09/2018
After nine years of research and over three years of development, we at Eisenberg are very proud to present EINKLANG, our intuitive software synthesizer.
EINKLANG (Ein•klang [ˈaɪ̯nklaŋ] noun. German word for unison, equilibrium, a sound)
EINKLANG introduces an all-new paradigm in music production. While existing synthesizers are controlled by many complicated, technical knobs, EINKLANG can be controlled by a few, powerful musical parameters. One of EINKLANG’s key features is the triangle morphing field, which allows users to morph between three different instruments with great ease. With the turn of one knob, a piano, a violin and timpani become a timpianolin. EINKLANG allows the user to focus exclusively on the creative aspects of making music, without being distracted by the complex technical processes.
Instead of synthesizing sounds like traditional synthesizers according to a set of technical parameters (i.e. amplitudes, frequencies, spectra…), EINKLANG re-synthesizes sounds using instrument models. These instrument models can not only be tweaked directly in their musical parameters (i.e. loudness, pitch, timbre…) but also be morphed from one sound to another.
The instrument models are based on Artificial Intelligence Studio Technology (AIST), an award winning, patent-pending technology that allows synthesizers to understand the structures of sounds, and remembers specific nuances of different instruments. So the musician can concentrate on musical aspects, while the synthesizer does all of the underlying technical processing.
Download demo version and apply the patches

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Category: WiN | Views: 1346 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: x64, v1.0.3, Only-CHAOS, Einklang, Eisenberg, patch, x86 | Rating: 0.0/0
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