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EDMProd - EDM Foundations TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 7.61 GB
Links update: 22/07/2024

The 4-week online course that teaches electronic music production through action and practice.
Imagine this.,

You discover that you can make electronic music with nothing more than a pair of headphones and a laptop. You own both.

You sign up for a course. You're excited. You're ready to go!

After 2 hours of watching dry, uninspiring theory videos, you think to yourself.,

Isn't this supposed to be enjoyable? I want to MAKE something!

Unfortunately, most courses overlook a simple truth:

True learning is more about developing skills than simply gaining knowledge about things. And to develop a skill, you need to practice, and actually MAKE some stuff.

Don't get me wrong—theory is important. But it's not as important as developing actual music production skills.

Anyone can read a book and understand what goes into a great chord progression or melody, but the people who write great melodies? They've already put in hours upon hours of work. They've written hundreds if not thousands of melodies already.

EDM Foundations is the course that focuses on skill development... completing projects... practicing... and having fun.

It's an intensive, 4-week online course that teaches you the basics of music production in a practical way. You'll learn just enough to move on to the next step, so you won't get bored. By the end of it, you'll have finished 4 full songs.

Here's How it Works:

EDM Foundations is practical, so while you will gain an understanding of how certain things are done and why they're done, you'll spend most of your time in your DAW (we use Ableton Live for this course), following along with what I'm doing first and then practicing by yourself.

By the end of the course, you'll have developed three core production skills:

•Idea generation: writing melodies, chord progressions, programming drum sequences...
•Arrangement and instrumentation: building a full song, creating build-ups, tension and energy, how to keep the listener interested...
•Mixing: how to give your music clarity, balance, and punch.

You'll develop these skills through copying, repetition, and experimentation.

What do I mean?

Well, we work on three full songs together throughout the course. I walk you through the song creation process step-by-step, three times.

But during each week, you'll also spend some time on your own original track, so that by the end of the course you'll have something to share.

The Program

3 Detailed Idea Generation Walkthroughs

•We'll create a full 8-bar loop in three different genres (house, future bass, and trance)...
•I'll explain each step along the way in as much detail as possible, without it being convoluted and boring...
•You'll follow along and learn by rote.

Your Project (Coming Up With an Idea)

•You'll come up with an idea all by yourself. This idea will be turned into a full track over the next few weeks.
•I'll have some pointers and tips videos available in case you get stuck.

3 Detailed Arrangement Walkthroughs

•We'll arrange the three ideas we created together during the first week
•Again, I'll explain each step along the way in as much detail as possible, without it being convoluted and boring...
•You'll follow along and learn by rote.

Your Project (Arranging Your Idea)
•You'll take the idea you made during the first week and turn it into a full arrangement
•Again, I'll have some pointers and tips videos available in case you get stuck.

3 Detailed Mixing Walkthroughs

•We'll mix the three arrangements we've put together over the last two weeks
•Again, I'll explain each step along the way in as much detail as possible, without it being convoluted and boring...
•You'll follow along and learn by rote.

Your Project (Mixing Down Your Idea)
•You'll take your arrangement, mix it down, and render it as a complete song. Congratulations!
•Again, I'll have some pointers and tips videos available in case you get stuck.
•Note: by the end of week three, you'll have completed four projects (three remakes and one original).

Week four is different.

It's all about practice. Drilling in what you've learned over the past three weeks.

It involves recreating existing material, which is one of the best ways to learn. You will analyze and recreate:

•5 melodies
•5 drum sequences
•5 arrangements

You'll also mix down 5 Ableton Live project files.

It'll be a full-on week, but no one said this stuff comes easy!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 3692 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: tutorial, EDMProd, Foundations, EDM | Rating: 5.0/1
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