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Home » WiN » East West Voices Of Soul v1.1.1
East West Voices Of Soul v1.1.1

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Voices of Soul includes a collection of expressive, soulful multi-sampled vocal instruments with hundreds of expressive phrases in every key and highly realistic true legato transitions. Try layering it on your string lines with a softer setting, or even adding doubling and chorus effects to make C.C.’s voice feel omnipresent. And because we captured nearly every possible angle of her vocal performances from impassioned to calming, it’s easy to translate the most iconic qualities of her voice to almost any setting. Effortlessly switch between multiple articulations on the fly with combo instruments and build chords from airtight vocal harmonies, and use the beautiful voice of C.C. White to add soul, flare, or gentle background texture to any song.

Featuring the voice of C.C. White

Created by award-winning sounds producers Doug Rogers and Nick Phoenix

600+ expressive phrases in every key

Realistic true legato transitions

Wide variety of individual syllables that can be changed at will

Now included in OPUS, along with individual downloads, custom keyswitches, and dozens of MIDI Tools and Mixer Effects
A witch says,

You need R2R PLAY/OPUS release to use this library.

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Category: WiN | Views: 343 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: East, West, Voices, Soul, v1.1.1, of | Rating: 0.0/0
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