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Home » WiN » East West Solo Violin v1.0.2
East West Solo Violin v1.0.2

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Produced by Nick Phoenix, Quantum Leap Solo Violin is a virtuoso solo violin recorded at Remote Control Productions, a film score facility in Santa Monica, California run by veteran film composer Hans Zimmer and home to the scores of many of toda's top films.

Quantum Leap Solo Violin includes 5 passes of true legatos sampled intervals, Legato soft, legato forte, expressive legato, portamento and fast legato/ trill/ run.

Quantum Leap Solo Violin features round-robin up and down bowing on most articulations and can handle very fast playing and live trill playing with ease. All of the basic articulations were sampled as well as various expressive articulations, vibrato styles, and non vibrato.

Quantum Leap Solo Violin has a sound and character ideally suited for film and classical work.

Quantum Leap Solo Violin includes the latest version of EastWest's PLAY software featuring 2 new solo violin reverb impulses designed to make Quantum Leap Solo Violin blend well with other EastWest/Quantum Leap collections.

A witch says,

You need R2R PLAY/OPUS release to use this library.

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Category: WiN | Views: 293 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: East, solo, West, v1.0.2, violin | Rating: 0.0/0
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