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Home » iOS, Android » Dubstep Studio v2.8 iOS
Dubstep Studio v2.8 iOS

Dubstep Studio v2.8 iOS | 57.25 MB

Introducing the Dubstep studio. The essential application for mobile dubstep song development. Designed for the stunning Retina display and exclusive to iOS.

Dubstep Studio was designed with all users in mind. If you want to simply pick up the application and create a quick track, no problem. If you want to create a 7 minute song by trimming audio, looping tracks, adding synths, filters and effects, no problem.

Key features

» A dubstep Sequencer.
You can layout your entire song on a timeline with the ability to trim, loop and add effects to each track

» Over 120 new tracks. All at a bitrate of 320kpbs for the clearest sound quality

» Apply effects to each track. These effects include Distortion, Echo, Flanger, Garble and 5 others.

» Each effect can be customized.
For example, distortion's parameters include gain, edge, freq, bandwidth and cutoff; All can be adjusted.

» Save / load projects.
You can save multiple songs and work on them all at anytime

» Record your songs on any device.
No microphone is required so no background noise. Just clear high quality audio.

» Share your saved tracks
You can upload to SoundCloud and share via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Foursquare. You can also email your tracks.

» Tutorial to get you started
At any time, you can view the tutorial. No need to sit scratching your head.

What's New in Version 2.8

Fixed in app purchases for bass shots and movie vocals

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Category: iOS, Android | Views: 1318 | Added by: Hellcat | Tags: Studio, Dubstep, v2.8, ios | Rating: 0.0/0
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