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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » DTS011 La Ramona Synthesizers LiVE-KRock
DTS011 La Ramona Synthesizers LiVE-KRock
Team KRock | 23 June 2012 | 163.46 MB
Links update: 08/03/2017
For Ableton Live, Detunized has released DTS011 – La Ramona Synthesizers, an all-new sound library featuring the sounds of the Vermona synthesizer. Organized into three sections, this Live Pack supposedly transforms the symbols of the East German working class into three exciting types of synthesizers: Hammer, Zirkel, and Aehrenkranz.
Hammer is the ideal choice for making strange textural sounds, while Zirkel features the original Vermona filter and is said to sound similar to a Roland TB-303 bass synth. Aehrenkranz, which can be fitted with 133 different oscillators, offers a variety of Vermona sounds and is great for messing around with phase shifting, according to the manufacturer.
The 270 MB sound library's contents are all available in Ableton Live Pack format. You'll get 702 samples total, in a key range of C1 to C7. You can get La Ramona Synthesizers as a single download for 4.98 EUR (approximately $7), or as part of a subscription to all of Detunized's packs, for 6.98 EUR (approximately $9.72). For more details, please visit detunized.com.


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