Dropgun Samples Bass Tech House WAV XFER RECORDS SERUM

Links update: 01/03/2024
This pack is filled with the most powerful loops and one-shots, bouncy bass, lead and even chords synths, punchy and thick drums, as well as Serum presets that easily fit into any tech house mix.
Created by Ocean Dive, R3D 8 and Junona Boys, and inspired by the biggest names like FISHER, Chris Lake, SIDEPIECE, CamelPhat and many more, this sample pack is exactly what house producers need these days to step up their game.
Last but not least, "Bass Tech House" includes unique, creative, and marvelous vocals, which are 100% royalty-free and are ready to use.
What are you waiting for? Load up your DAW and get your hands on "Bass Tech House" now!
Content of the pack:
•Total Audio Files: 527
•Total Presets Files: 58 (Serum)
•7 x Vocal Hooks
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