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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Dream Audio Tools MBD (Marching Bass Drums) v1.5 KONTAKT
Dream Audio Tools MBD (Marching Bass Drums) v1.5 KONTAKT


MBD (Marching Bass Drums) is the new library featuring an accurately sampled marching bass drums. Eight different mallet striking techniques and two rolls, recorded each with round robins. The library features a main set and five designed patches with film scoring in mind.
The libraries features three separate mixable microphones Close, Overhead and Room, offering maximum flexibility, from way “roomy” to extremely dry.

- Eight different mallet striking techniques (with round robins) and two rolls
- All samples are 24bit/44.100
- 390 Mbytes of sampled material
- Separate mixable mics for each single patch (Close, Overhead and Room)
- Low memory usage, Laptop ready

FULL version of Native Instruments Kontakt 4.2.3 or above is required!

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 770 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: tools, Kontakt, (Marching, Drums), MBD, Bass, Audio, v1.5, Dream | Rating: 0.0/0
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